#and that wolf is Arne's baby
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midnightmagicks · 5 months ago
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wildshadowtamer · 3 months ago
What names does Azura use for the two sides of her family? does she have any for Gus or the other cast?
ah, good question
So, the Clawthorne-Nocedas are:
Abuela Eda and Abuelita Camilla (she got sick of explaining which Abuela she was talking about to her friends)
Abuele Raine (i am not a spanish speaker sorry if this is wrong, she also calls them Granbab)
Bisabuela and Bisabuelo Gwen and Dell, but she usually just calls them Gwen and Dell.
Bisabuelo Bump, courtesy of Raine, which totally made Bump bawl his eyes out the first time he heard it. She calls him the full thing because he loves hearing it
Tia Abuela Lillith
Tio Hunter, Tio King, Tio Collector (she also calls him Collie), and the Clawthorne-Whispers triplets, Tio Eero, Tio Ada, and Tio Alaric (or Ee, Aa, and Al as she called them as a baby. They were very helpful in learning sounds)
Tia Vee, Titi Masha (married Vee), Tia Arie, and Tia Starlight
She likes to make fun of Hunter for being semi-adopted by Dell, and for being a clone of the original male Clawthorne, by calling him Tio Abuelo sometimes, he acts like he hates it but he loves it
and the Blight-Deamonnes are:
Grandpa Alador and Granda Darius (she was the first grandchild and refused to call Darius 'granddad', so he became Granda. Which Eda has taken to calling him Grande, like the drink, sheerly because he hates it)
Uncle Edric (Eddy) and Aunt Emera (Emmy)
Auncie Eber(wolf) and their litter, who she calls her cousins. She mispronounced Auncle one time as a kid and now Eberwolf is Auncie (Arn-kee) permentantly
Alador and Darius' kids, who she doesnt call her aunts/uncle because their the same age or younger than her; Liora, Diana, and Adriel (there's also Ambrose, Saber, and Rees, who are Great-Grandda, Mr, and Kiddo respectively)
Tio Hunter and Tia Arie, who are adopted from both sides of the family (by Eda and Darius respectively)
Madam Odalia (refuses to acknowledge her as a grandmother, uses very passive aggressive formality to acknowledge her)
And then there's Auntia Willow, which she thinks is a very clever combo, her Uncle Thyme, and her cousins, Gabriel and Jayme. And yes, she has a name for Gus, hes also her Tio, by extension of being Hunter's "space-brother" (they made a Cosmic Frontier pact of brotherhood on Gus' 18th, she doesn't understand what it means but she's always happy to have more family)
Oh, and she can never forget her dear Uncle Hooty, who accidentally taught her her first word ('hoot') and promptly cried for 20 minutes about it
As for her family's nicknames for her, i dont know the specifics yet, but King calls her Princess ("she's a King's neice, Eda! that makes her a princess!"), and Collector calls her Shine (they claim her hair looks like the reflection off a star, no one else is capable of going to space to confirm or deny this, so they take it as fact. there's a 50% chance the Collector is fucking with everyone), and some of her general nicknames are Azzy, Zuri (most commonly), The Good Witch Azura (which she insists is her full, official title), and affectionatelly called Carrot-Top by her friends, for her green hair
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prettypinkporkchop · 7 months ago
Part 1
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I thought it'd be cool to add something about Brady Fuller, the youngest shifter.
Part 2:
You cross your legs on the chair that sits in front of the bed, Brady is laying on. Dr. Cullen is examining his body to make sure everything heals perfectly in place and he can go out and shift again.
Brady lays there looking at the ceiling. Dr. Cullen lays his arm back down over his stomach.
"I managed to get every bone back in the right place, so everything healed perfectly." He smiles at the boy.
Brady gulps and nods his head. "Thank you." You smile at Carlisle. "Jacob and Renesmee are still in Florida. Jacob feels bad about not being here to help battle these new vampires." He sighs.
"Well, his marriage comes first. And we all got this together." You look at Brady, who is still staring at the ceiling.
Carlisle gently squeezes your shoulder and walks out of the house.
All of the wolves and the Cullens are in the woods, waiting to fight right now. The teacher was slowly turning students to make an army. He was trying to kill every wolf because they were in the way of him killing. He couldn't do it alone.
"Brady." You gently say his name. He looks down at you and smiles. "I just want to make my pack proud of me. I feel so weak." A year slips from his eye, continuing to smile at you.
"Poor baby. We are all proud of you. You are very strong! You know, every wolf gets hurt. Paul has, Jacob, I mean, I'm sure all of them." You stand up and sit at the end of the bed.
"Y/n, I'm 16 now." He looks at your eyes. "I get so jealous of everyone who has imprinted. Collin doesn't care to imprint. He makes fun of me for caring. But you guys all seem happy and whole."
"It will happen when it does. But, you are still young. You shifted like three years ago. There is no need to rush." You tap his knee for comfort and smile.
"Yeah, but I was wondering if you could tell me when? If you knew." He looks away in embarrassment. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting to know. I don't get all of the answers, but I will try my hardest. Give me your hand." He looks at you and places his hand on top of your palm.
You close your eyes and enter his energy field. There's so much passion in this boy. He loves what he does and who he is. He's protective. He's loving.
You silently ask the universe to guide you.
A picture pops into your mind. She has blonde hair. You can't see her face. She is short and a very bubbly person. Her name.... her name...
It starts with an L.
You jump back and let go of his hand. "I don't know when, but I know who she is."
---- One day later---
"They should be coming back today." Kim sighs, staring at the beach. "That's what I saw in my dream." You smile, looking at her. Emily wraps her arn around Kim. "Don't worry, love. They always come back." Emily giggles.
You guys leave the beach and go to Billy Black's house. You guys start to cook and clean and get everything ready for the men to come back.
Your hair on your arms stand up. You begin to feel light and happy.
He's here.
Everyone was safe. Everyone was okay. They got everyone they needed to. One young vampire was taken in by the cullens. You guys sit and talk about everything. Afterward, you grab Paul's hand and lead him to you guys' house.
"I love you." You whisper and slam your lips on his when he closes the door and faces you. He kisses back and wraps his arms around your body, holding you tight. He starts putting his tongue to work against yours.
You grab the bottom of his shirt, making him take it off. His warm abs press against you. His lips attack your neck and your hand moves to the button of his shorts.
"My girl, you're gonna kill me." He groans against your skin, sending vibrations through your neck.
You unbutton his shorts. He pulls away and looks at you.
---a month later---
You and Renesmee are sitting in Jacob's garage as he fixes his bike. "I don't really like this dress. I feel super weird in it." Renesmee looks down and plays with the bottom of it. "It's so cute, though! Why are you wearing it if you don't like it?"
"The new girl that's a part of my family is so like Alice. She forced me to wear this." She giggles. "I have yet to meet her! What's her name?"
"Leanna." She smiles.
Paul walks in with a box of pizza. "Thank you, Paul! I guess I forgive you for trying to kill me when I was a baby." She laughs, grabbing a piece. "Yeah, yeah. You can let it go now." He laughs, setting the box down next to Jake. "I will forever hold that against you." Jacob laughs.
A sharp pain hits your ovaries. You jump a bit and begin to get confused. Is it a cyst? Renesmee looks over your face and her smile fades. She looks at your stomach.
You feel what she feels. Then, you know.
Paul comes up behind you while you fix your hair in the mirror. You guys are getting ready to go meet Leanna.
"Baby, you're so beautiful." He gushes, kissing your exposed shoulder. "Thank you, honey." You finish up your work and turn to face him. He still doesn't know. When is a good time to tell him?
You guys leave to go to Sam's. Everyone is there, Renesmee is speaking to a blonde girl. She's... short.
She turns around, facing the group of boys. Brady stops and stares. That's her.
You feel vomit pooling up into your throat. "Oh, god." You grumble and hide behind Paul's truck, throwing up on the ground. "Oh, my love. Are you okay?" He panics and rubs a hand on your back. Once you finish throwing up, you stand up straight and face him. "Paul, we are having a baby." You just spit it out.
He smiles so wide and hugs you so tight. "Princess! Is this real?" He exclaims.
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ashsblurbs · 3 years ago
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"Well, that didn't end the way I expected, but at least nobody important died." 
"Tony!" Steve looked at his husband with concern. The whole Avengers team was out fighting some Ultron goons for a week straight. Steve could understand his love remark. 
The whole team was tired and ready to go home to see their respective kids. Tony and Steve with a ten year old and a four year old. Thor and Bruce with an eleven year old and twin nine year olds. Then there was Natasha and Bucky's brood of four running around. They had a ten year old themselves plus an eight year old, six year old and one on the way. 
"Doll, I know you wish you could be here but you are six months pregnant. How's the other three? I hope they are behaving or their папа will get them when I get home." Bucky warned over the screen knowing that Kat was most likely hiding behind the couch. 
"James, they've been great. Alex has really helped a lot with dinner. He always wants to hand me ingredients." Natasha laughed. 
"Oof." Natasha winced, rubbing her stomach where the baby kicked. "I think someone is missing their папа." 
"I'm missing them two. Hey, I got to go, the quinjet is here. Я люблю вас." Bucky hung up to run over to his teammates. He would do anything to get home.
"No, Brooklyn, you can't have ice cream for dinner. Put Happy on the phone now." Tony demanded. 
Tony and Steve's daughter was only four but she was a master manipulator. She knew how to play the system unlike their son James. James was older and smarter beyond his years. He never asked for much or begged for things. The phase stopped once Brooklyn was born. Instead Steve was the one that often knew what James needed. It drove Tony crazy. 
"Do you hear this? Ice cream for dinner." Tony asked Steve. 
Steve grunted a reply as he had fallen asleep against the seat of the quinjet. Tony waved him away and turn his attention back to the screen to find Happy covered in makeup and one of Brooklyn's wigs. 
"What's up boss? 
"You make a very pretty woman, Happy. Thinking about doing drag." 
Happy didn't reply but did roll his eyes at his friend. 
"Had to entertain Brooks here somehow." 
"Were you going to give my children ice cream for dinner?" 
"No! Pizza should be here in ten minutes. Trust me I don't need them on a sugar high. Even though James kinda stayed in his room the whole time." Happy said. 
Tony nodded knowing this was going to be true. James was such a serious kid. He got that from Steve. 
"Brooklyn, be good and tell your brother we said hi. Should be home right before bed." 
"Okay, daddy. Luv you."
Then the screen went black on the commuter leaving Tony alone with two sleeping super soldiers. 
"Father, I'm bored here on Asgard. I like Midgard better. At least at home we have tv." Arne whined. 
" Well son, what are Theo and Freya doing. Go play with them." Bruce suggested. 
"They're doing some dumb science thing in the library. I hate science." 
Arne was nothing like Thor expect for his good looks and athletic talent but other than that he had no love for Asgard. He wanted nothing to do with the traditions or history. He much rather be out throwing a football with James and Ivan. 
He also was nothing like Bruce with the way he despised all things academic. He was almost their lone wolf child. 
Unlike their twins who were all about the world of science and stuck together. They loved their brother Arne but they had nothing in common with him. 
"Well, my boy, we will be there in just a few minutes after we wrap up some paperwork. Then we will be on the bifrost in no time to collect you younglings and bring you home." Thor chimed in. 
Arne rolled his eyes, hanging up. 
"Why does he hate my home planet so much? That's where his ancestral roots are from." Thor asked his husband. 
Bruce shrugged and leaned against Thor. Thor wrapped his arm around Bruce's shoulders pulling him in tight. 
"Thor, Arne doesn't hate Asgard. He just doesn't have the same connection you or even I have to it . Arne was born in Asgard yes but he has lived eleven years of his life on Earth. His friends are here and interests are here. He's just an Earth kid." 
Thor understood. He just wishes Arne could see just how cool and Magical Asgard was. Maybe one day he might even have the chance to be its king. Arne Thorson on the throne of Asgard would make Thor very proud.
"Heimdal, home."
Bucky slowly tipped toed into the house not to wake his kids nor his pregnant wife. It didn't work since he was greeted at the door by his kids and wife. 
"Nana!" They shouted as they looped their arms around his legs, almost making him fall. 
"Shouldn't you guys be in bed?" Buck question. He looked up at Natasha cradling her bump. The bump they never thought in a million years would be there. Three and they were done, they told themselves. 
Their three were in the perfect age range of each other and Ivan being six, they were content. Until one day Nat walked out of the bathroom with a positive test. They were speechless. Then they were really excited to have a new baby. The kids were too when they told them. 
"We wanted to stay up and wait for you papa. Can you tuck us in?" Kat pleaded. Kat looked at him with her puppy eyes and Buck knew he couldn't say no.
Kat grabbed hold of his metal arm with excitement dragging him down the hall. 
"How was your business trip? Alex asked.
That was what the mission was to their kids. Bucky and Natasha agreed that their kids would never know about the Avengers or their past until they were older for their safety. 
"It was good, kid. Very tired some." 
Bucky tucked in Ivan first kissing him goodnight. Then he walked to the other side of the room to say goodnight to Alex. 
Kat walked into her own room which she would have to share once the new baby came. 
"Good night sweetheart. Я люблю вас." 
Bucky walked back into the living room to sit next to Nat. He laid his hand on her belly to feel their child moving around. 
"Very active tonight. Probably won't be getting much sleep tonight." Natasha said. 
Buck kissed Natasha, pushing her hair out of her face. 
"Yeah me neither. I'm too wired." 
Natasha kissed him again hard. Her fingers found the hem of his shirt working it up so she could feel his hard abs. 
Buck followed, grabbing the back of her hair. 
"Agent Romanoff, we have an important delivery to dispose of in room three." Buck teased
"I just find it odd that Ultron would want to attack Canada of all places. Why not Los Angeles or even Britain but Canada." Tony was rattling off as they walked up the front porch of their quiet home. 
Steve nodded along. He was way too tired to deal with Ultron's motives. All that matters was the Ultron was defeated again and they were home safe for their babies. 
Steve opened the door quickly to find everyone was in bed. Happy was passed out on the couch with I love Lucy reruns on the TV. 
Steve and Tony walked a little farther in to check on their darlings. Steve cracked open Brooklyn's room to find she was cuddling up with her spiderman build a bear. 
Steve and Tony looked at each other in awe. Then they went across the hall to open the door to find James laying face down in his pillow. How on Earth that kid could breathe was a mystery to them?
The two men walked farther down the hall to their room. Steve stripped off all of his clothes and jumped into the bed. He knew he needed a shower but he was too tired to. 
Tony jumped next to him laying his head onto his chest. They were both beat and need to recharge. A day in bed tomorrow sounded like a great idea. Maybe they could get Happy to babysit for a few more hours. 
"Finally, we can go home." Arne exclaimed. Thor and Bruce stared at their eager child as he tried to step into the none existed bifrost. 
Theo and Fraya looked down at their feet not wanting to leave yet since they were close to inventing the cure for the common cold. 
"Hey, we can come back next week." Bruce told the twins. 
"But dad we are so close." Freya whined.
"Hey, next week. We can't come sooner with your brother having football practice and you two having science prep for college." 
Arne stood off to the side begging for the bi frost to appear. Thor walked over, placing his hand on his first born's shoulder. 
"My boy, the fruit of my loins. Why don't you like the great Asgard anymore?" Thor questioned. 
Arne shrugged his father's hand off his shoulder taking a step back from Thor. Thor's face had sadness written all over it. 
Arne has been Thor's buddy ever since he was little. The two ran around the yard and played scenes from great Asgard battles. The only way Arne would fall asleep was through stories of Thor's childhood with his brother Loki. 
After Thor began to hint at royal duties and becoming king one day. Arne withdrew from Thor. Really anyone except for Kat, James, and Ivan. He no longer wanted to hear stories or reenact battles. Arne wasn't Thor's little boy anymore.
"Because it isn't so great." Arne remarked. Before Thor could say another word. The bifrost appeared to signal them for home. 
"I'm so over my father wanting me to be king. I'm eleven. I don't care which fork goes on the left." Arne exclaimed. 
James nodded, listening to his friend about his life. James understood. His pops wanted to start training for him to become Captain America. James didn't mind the training part but being the next Captain America was a little too much for him. 
"I get it. Next Captain America here. I just really want to be a doctor like your dad. I guess I could do both. I don't know. " 
Arne sat down next to James and grabbed the other controller. The Barnes kids had it so easy, Arne thought. They were blissfully ignorant about everything while the others laid awake late at night when their parents were out saving the world. 
"Do you ever wish we could just run away from here, you,me,and Kat? Like running somewhere warm like the beach." Arne asked. 
James pondered the question as he crossed the finish line in Mario Kart. 
"Not really but it would be nice to live without fear or superhero life pressing on us every corner. It would be nice to just be a kid." James admitted. 
All of their parents tried their best to give them the childhoods they didn't but that wasn't always possible when you were an avenger. The kids were still shown the world of villains and superheroing up close. Still received the pressures of being the avengers kids.
The mission was supposed to be routine until Red Skull, crossbones, Doctor Doom, and some chitauri as well. It was like a hell was breaking loose. 
Captain America and the Winter Solider worked on taking out the hydra goons and Red Skull. Falcon went after Crossbones. 
Thor and Ironman took down the Chitauri while Hawkeye and the Hulk tried to take down Doctor Doom. 
Everything was going according to plan. Then everything stopped. It felt like the world was going in slow motion. 
Hawkeye pulled back his bow aimed to take down a goon or two when the shit was released. 
"Hawkeye!" Captain America yelled. 
Everyone turned to see the moment where the bullet from Crossbones gun shot right through Hawkeye's chest. He dropped his bow to the ground and then his body fallen with a this. 
Shield agents ran in handcuffing the villains while the rest of the team ran over to Hawkeye's rescue. Hulk shrunk down to Banner where went to look for a pause. Everyone waited for answer. Bruce shook his head no. Their teammate and friend was gone.
The plane ride back to the compound was quite. No one spoke. They couldn't process what just happened. Clint Barton was gone. 
"What am I going to tell Nat? How am I going to tell Nat?" Bucky exclamed. 
"You just have to tell her and then you have to hold her as long as she needs you to and then you hold on longer. " Sam said. 
Bucky opened the door to found his very pregnant wife engrossed in making dinner. Bucky gave Natasha a tight hug not wanting to let go. He knew this could happened her, it almost did by his own gun when he was being controlled by Hydra. 
Natasha rubbed a hand up and down his back. She was curious by the sudden affection. 
"Hey, are you okay." 
"I have something to tell you and you should come sit down before I do." 
Natasha gave Bucky a perplexed look but went and sat on the couch. 
"Okay, what do you need to tell me." 
"Barton was killed during the mission by a gunshot wound." 
Natasha stared at him not believing a word he was saying. How could Clint be gone? The man that was the only that believed in her. Her best friend. 
Tears began to roll down her face. Natasha fell into Bucky's embrace. He held his crying wife all night long. 
"Do you think we did the right thing exposing our children to our lives? Steve asked as he sat down on the couch across from Tony's bench. 
Tony spun around in his chair pulling his goggles up on his head. 
"The thing is sweetheart we couldn't hide this life from them if we tried. Not to brag but we are the most recognizable superheroes in the world and we were never about secret identities. Unlike Natasha and Bucky." 
Tony walked over sitting on Steve's lap. He pushed back Steve's slightly long hair. Steve closed his eyes, leaning his head on Tony's shoulder. 
"But James and Brooklyn love this life. Playing in the Avenger's compound and going to Asgard with their Uncle Thor and Uncle Bruce. They just think it's our job." Tony continued. 
Steve sighed against Tony's chest with an agreement. Steve lifted up his head searching his husband's eyes. 
"I think I might retire." Steve exclaimed. 
Tony gave him a curious look but didn't say anything. Tony could have hinted at Steve's desire to hang up the shield and walk away. He saw the desire when Brooklyn was born. 
"After what happened to Clint. Him dying on a mission and leaving his three kids. I just don't want that to happen to me. I never want to leave my family." Steve exclaimed. 
"Okay." Was all Tony said. 
"Okay, no argument. No but the team needs Captain America." 
Tony shook his head no. 
"Because this decision is about Steve Rogers. If you are ready to hang it up and be a family guy then I'm here to support you besides Sam would be a great Captain America." 
Steve agreed. Steve pulled Tony farther onto his lap placing a kiss on his lips. 
"Thank you for understanding."
Tony snaked his hands under Steve's shirt to feel his strong back muscles tense at each touch. Steve grabbed hold of Tony's ass checks hard grinding up wards. Both kissing hard.
Steve pulled back a little bit to catch his breath. "Not that I wouldn't love to enjoy all of this but we gotta make it quick. I gotta pick up Brooklyn from dance and James from Thorsons." 
Tony gave him a come get me grin. "Oh I can still blow your mind with a quick."
Katrina stood in the fair back with her brothers and uncles as her mother and father walked to the front of the funeral home. 
Kat couldn't turn away unlike her brother I am who clung to their Uncle Steve for protection. She was curious. 
Mom and dad said Uncle Clint had been in a very bad car accident couple days ago. That he had died at the hospital with Aunt Laura by his side. 
Kat found that sweet to find someone who loved you so much to be by your side for your last breath. Kat knew she wanted that. 
Kat continued watching her parents every move. Her mom came in front of the casket and fell to her knees when she say him. Her father knelt down beside her wrapping his arms tightly around her as she clinged to her round belly. 
Kat never seen this side of her mom. Her mom was always tough and strong. She was not afraid or no one. She never cried for any reason. She was the woman Kat wanted to grow to be like but it was nice to see the vulnerable side of her too. 
The main Avenger team was on a sabbatical after Barton's death. They all needed a minute to regroup and mourn. 
They stepped away for six months. In that time the newest Barnes was born. Birthdays and holidays were celebrated. Tony was able to with the help of Natasha and Laura Barton resurrect a statue in the memory of Clint at Avengers compound. 
Everyone was there expect for the Barnes kids. They all stood to give a speech for their final goodbyes to Clint Barton. 
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feistypaants-archived · 5 years ago
Between The Pipes [Chapter 28]
Rating: M Words: 2028 Pairing: Kristanna Summary: When a new owner takes over the Arendelle Ice Breakers, Kristoff isn’t sure about his future with the team. That is, until a PR nightmare throws the newest member of the media team, who also just so happens to be the daughter of the new owner, right into his arms. Kristoff and Anna can’t even stand the interviews they have to do together… how on earth are they going to fix this mess? Hockey!AU.
[Chapter Index]
Where To Read: [AO3]
Notes: hmmmmmm.....
thanks 2 @ahtohallan-calling and @awesomemaple for the sven and anna dancing to lizzo inspo lmao the true mvps.
Kristoff almost fell over when Anna sprung herself forward to land on his back with her arms around his neck. It was mostly the surprise of it, but he managed to right them both before she even noticed his stumble. “Hi,” he laughed, shifting his bag of gear to his other shoulder as she slid down the expanse of his back. “You’re chipper this morning.”
“Well,” she grinned, sliding her hand into his and lacing their fingers together. “It’s a beautiful day!”
It was most decidedly not a beautiful day. It was cold and gloomy and snowing. And not even a pretty snow… just wet and harsh. But if Anna felt that way, then sure, he could roll with it. “That so?”
She had started swinging their hands together as they walked, her thumb tracing circles over his. “Mhmm,” was all she hummed, nodding slowly. 
It had been two weeks since the gala and she had spent almost every night at his house. It had been weird to fall asleep without her last night, but she had insisted on staying with her sister at her hotel. Apparently they needed some bonding time, and who was he to deny her that? But still, he already felt tension draining from his shoulders as she squeezed his hand and bumped his hip with her own while they walked and she talked about the bright side of the bad weather.
“I missed you,” he mumbled beneath her rambling, blushing bright when she stopped mid sentence to look up at him. 
A small hop-skip-jump brought her lips up to his cheek, and then she was smiling even brighter. “I missed you, too.” 
Kristoff coughed slightly, just to clear his throat, before shaking his head and trying to accept the small moment of vulnerability. “So, um…” He shrugged and kept his gaze forward. “Did you have fun with your sister?” He relaxed just slightly when she pressed her arm against his.
“Oh, yes.” She paused for a moment as she looked around. “I guess Elsa and Honey have been…” Anna practically giggled behind her hand. “You know.” A snort laugh and red tinged cheeks made him smile. “Talking.”
He could laugh at this shy, bashful Anna, so different from one he knew. Maybe it was because she was talking about her sister, but shit, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was how she talked about him, too. “Oh? Talking? Or… not talking.”
Anna whacked at his chest and laughed again, wrapping her hands around his bicep this time. “That’s my sister you’re talking about.”
“Sorry, sorry.”
A relaxed silence fell between them again as they continued down the corridor. Kristoff had spent the whole night thinking, and talking to Sven, and talking to his mother, and… He had decided that he wanted to do something special for Anna. He wanted to take her somewhere fancy, wine and dine her, and, fuck, as cheesy as it was, wanted to officially ask her out.
They sat in limbo right now, unsure of where to proceed. Their feelings were on the table, but, at least for Kristoff, things still felt uncertain. Did she want him to fully figure himself out before they moved forward? Or was she willing to work with him? It was a lot to ask of someone, but she was the most patient and kind person he had ever met. 
If anyone would be able to help him, it was her.
Coach Mattias’ door slammed open as they stepped into the locker room. It startled Anna, who clenched his arm a little tighter as their eyes both snapped to the entrance. Warren emerged first, obviously irritated, followed by Mattias and…
“Papa!” Anna exclaimed, clearly taken aback. “I didn’t think you were coming to the skate…”
His face was stern as he turned his attention to the two of them. Kristoff could swear there was something venomous in his eyes. “I wasn’t. But I was called for a meeting.”
Kristoff was going to let go of her, but he felt just a slight squeezing of her fingers. “Oh?”
“We’ll talk later.”
And then he left the locker room, leaving a dozen or so stressed out players in his wake. 
“Dude, what was that?” Kristoff’s eyes moved quickly to Warren and Anisimov, hunkered into a corner as Warren’s glare lingered just slightly too long on Anna. 
He met Kristoff’s gaze, clenched his jaw, and snapped his head back around to face his teammate. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
This didn’t seem good.
Family skate had never been Kristoff’s favorite event. Sometimes he was able to fly his family out around Christmas and keep them in town long enough, but with his sister having a new baby and his dad needing to get someone trained to run the shop, they weren’t able to join him this year. But it was okay, because this year he had Anna, and she more than made up for all the years he just stuck awkwardly with Sven, Jelissa, and their siblings. 
She clearly had snuck in more practice since their initial learn-to-skate session, and was easily gliding over the ice - nothing fancy, but clearly comfortable on skates. Every once in a while a good song would come on, and she would speed up to catch Sven and Jelissa as they danced and sang and all-around made fools of themselves.
He fucking loved it.
One song in particular had Sven crouched and shaking his ass back and forth as Anna smacked at it, the lyrics rapping something about fit fat asses and needing tempo and so many other words he couldn’t understand. Kristoff would have been jealous if it were anyone else, but there was absolutely zero reason for it with the two of them. He even found himself skating closer as Anna sang something about boyfriends watching and made little finger hooks to urge him over.
He would never be able to express how open and free he felt when she was by his side.
“Okay, I’m tired,” she laughed, leaning on Kristoff’s shoulder. “Water break.”
Kristoff gestured for her to lead the way, but shivered slightly when her hands slid over his hips as she came to a stop behind him, one arm lifting to flick at the bobble on top of his toque. “Take me where I need to be!” she hollered, wrapping her arms around his waist.  
So, as was his nature when it came to Anna, he did the exact opposite.
Bending at the knees, and hearing her quick realization of what was happening, Kristoff took off, almost full sprint, with Anna laughing wildly behind him. “Stop stop stop!” But her laughter was louder than the protests, so he kept going, zig zagging out of other skaters while she yelled apologies behind them. 
He grabbed her hands with his own, holding on tight to her, as he whipped around a corner.
“Too fast for you?” 
“Not even close!” 
Finally, when he had worn himself out, too, Kristoff came to a gradual stop right at the door, offering Anna a hand to help her step off the ice. She was still laughing, her cheeks flushed with exhilaration, and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning forward and cupping her jaw in his palms. One more sighing laugh came from her throat as she looked up at him with a crooked smile.
She was so fucking beautiful.
He kissed her, deep and slow, earning a round of wolf-whistling from the adults in the rink. He didn’t even care, because her hands were gripping his and her chest was arching into his and god damn it, did he need something fancy to tell her what he wanted? “Anna…” His breath was heavy as he pulled away, swallowing around the new lump in his throat. “Anna, I…”
Her eyes were full of wonder as she kept her gaze locked onto his, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.
“I… I really --”
Her fathers’ stern voice cut through their thoughts and she jumped away as quickly as she could, turning to face the owner with her hands clasped together behind her back.
Of course.
“Hi, papa.” She waved her fingers at Kristoff from behind her back, urging him to head back out onto the ice. “What’s up?” 
Kristoff felt her fathers’ eyes locked onto him as he took a few glides backwards, giving them the privacy he thought she might be asking for. He wasn’t sure what was wrong, but he felt unsettled as he tried his best to turn his attention back to his friends instead of on Anna, following the owner back into Mattias’ office.
Almost an hour passed before Anna reemerged. 
Mr. Arne had come out after just twenty minutes, bid his farewells, and told them to give his daughter some privacy before heading out of the arena. Kristoff had pulled out his phone and texted her, not wanting to barge in on something she didn’t want him to bear witness to. 
Is everything okay baby?
yeah! yep!! i’ll be out soon!! Sorry!!
Are you sure? I can come back if you want.
no!!! it’s fine! just doing some quick paperwork!!
He wasn’t sure he believed her, and the excess of exclamation points certainly didn’t help, but she wasn’t pleading for him to come and comfort her and he had to trust that she would ask if she had wanted him to. But when she came back out to the ice, he noticed her red nose and puffy cheeks, and immediately skated over to her. “Anna…?” 
A smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Yes?”
He scanned over her face, noting the softly twitching corner of her mouth and flaring of her nostrils that he could guess signified she wanted him to drop it. So… he held out his hand to her and waggled his fingers in her direction. “Wanna keep skating?” The relief he saw drop in her shoulders made him tense in her place as she nodded and stepped back onto the ice. 
It all felt different then. She kept a firm grip on his fingers as they moved slowly around the rink, no more enthusiasm in her small strides, and definitely no more dancing.
He had to try again. “Baby…” his voice was low, just above a whisper, as he pressed a kiss against her hairline.
“I’m fine. Please.” She kept her gaze firmly forward, until they reached the end of their second lap. She tugged on his arm just slightly, tilting her body towards the exit. “I think…” she started, biting her bottom lip. “I think that I really want to get a burger.”
Kristoff almost laughed. “Yeah, yeah, of course. Let’s go. We can talk. Let me just grab my --”
But then she was red faced and she was hollering at Sven and Jelissa, waving them over and inviting them along. 
Anna didn’t want to be alone with him right now. 
Normally it wouldn’t bother him, but when it felt like she was going to some great length to avoid telling him what was bothering her, he could feel irritation prickling at his spine. Kristoff sighed and trailed behind the others as they made their way back to the locker room to grab their things. 
Soon after, they were all climbing into Sven’s Escalade, making their way to his favorite burger joint. He said it was a hole in the wall and you had to know someone to know about it. Kristoff couldn’t help but tease him, saying knowing him clearly hadn’t done them any favors.
Anna’s hollow laugh felt like a knife in his stomach.
He knew she’d tell him when she was ready, but there was a burning in the back of his throat that begged him to pester her until she caved, until she laid it all out on the table. But that was his father. That was something he would do. That wasn’t Kristoff. He wasn’t going to do that.
Instead, he reached over, clasped her hand in his, and gave her a reassuring squeeze.
At least this time her smile was a little more genuine.
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dglovesfood · 5 years ago
Male English Names and Meanings
A correctly chosen name has a strong positive effect on the character and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of style and condition, strengthens health, removes various harmful programs of the memory. But how to choose the perfect name?
 The meaning of the name has no real effect. For example, the meaning of Agshin is brave, strong. It does not mean that the young man will be strong, and those who have other names will be weak. The name can block his heart centre, and he will not be able to give and receive love. On contrast, another boy will help solve problems of love or power and achievement of goals. The third boy may not affect. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological, and other characteristics.
 The mystery of a man's name is shared by a unique smell primarily in a person, and not in the grammatical meaning and characterisation of the name. If this name destroys the child, then it would not be beautiful, sweet with the surname. It would still be harm, destruction of character, a complication of life, and aggravation of fate.
 Below are beautiful male English names. Try to choose some that are most suitable for your child. 
 List of male English names for letters A, B, C & D:
Aaron - high mountain
Ab - father of the light
Abbot - father
Abel - father of many
Abell - shepherd
Abner - father of light
Abot - father of
Abram - father
Abran - father of many
Abraham - father of many
Absalon - my father - world
Averill - fighting boar
Adam - the land of
Addison - son of Adam
Aden - fire
Addison - son of Adam
Adlay - Jehovah the righteous
Adney - nobleman island
Adolf - the noble wolf
Adrian - from Hadria
Adair - the rich spear
Asia - eastern
Azelstan - the magnificent stone
Able - the shepherd
Ak - oak grove
Akey - number one
Akerley - oak grove
Alastair - defender of humanity
Alwar - elf army
Alfven - a friend of an elf
Alvis - all-wise
Algar - spear of an elf
Algernon - with a mustache
Aleister - defender of humanity
Alec - defender of humanity
Alexander - defender of humanity
Alain - beautiful
Alester - defender of humanity
Algeria - Elf Spear
Alik - Defender of Humanity
Alexander - Defender of Humanity
Allan - handsome
Allen - beautiful
Allister - defender of humanity
Alton - old city
Alf - elf
Alfonzo - noble
Alford - old river ford
Alfred - elf council
Albert - bright nobleness
Aldina - an old friend
Alpin - white
Altair - pilot
Alfred - elf council
Alister - protector of humanity
Ambi - immortal
Ambrose - immortal
Amedeus - loving god
Amias - from Amiens
Amory - loving
Amos - bearing, carrying
Amyas - from Amiens
Anakin - kind, merciful
Angel - Angel, messenger
Anges - one, the only choice
Anderson - son Andrew
Angelelli - angel, messenger
Ange - angel, messenger
Anskom - stone valley
Anson - son Agnes
Antwan - invaluable
Antoine - invaluable
Arden - eagle valley
Arik - ruler
Aryl - lion of the god
Arin - peace
Arkell - helmet, protection of the eagle
Arly - the forest of the eagle
Arman - brave, hardy man
Arn - the power of the eagle
Arne - control of the eagle
Arni - eagle power
Arnold - control of the eagle
Arran - high mountain
Arrin - high mountain
Arron - high mountain
Arthur - man - bear, warrior, eagle Thor
Archie - genuine courage
Archibald - true courage
Ancelet - noble from birth
Aselin - small nobleman
Acer - number one, first
Aston - eastern settlement
Afton - Sweet Afton
Affton - sweet Afton
Achill - painful
Ash - ash
Asher - happy
Ashton - ash colony
Bad - friend
Buddy - friend
Baz - king or basil 
Basil - king
Byron - in cowsheds or covered barnyards
Bayard - red-brown or bright sunset
Buck - a courageous young man
Baxter - baker
Balder - prince
Baldrick - brave ruler of
Bambi - child
Baptist - Baptist
Bardolph - the gorgeous wolf of
Baria - king or basil 
Barclay - birch forest
Barnabas - son of a preacher
Barney - son of a preacher and bold as a bear
Barnaby - son of a preacher
Barrett - bargainer
Barry - blond
Bart - son Talmey
Bartolomei - son Talmey
Bassett - a little short, low
Baster - the destroyer
Butch - the butcher
Bevan - the son of John
Beverly - the beaver
Bevis - the bright
Babe - the baby Ruth
Bailey - the assistant to the sheriff
Bailie - deputy sheriff
Ben - son of the south, or blessed
Benjamin - son southern
Benji - son southern
Benedict - blessed
Benet - blessed
Bennett - the sacred
Bennie - the south and the son of Benedict blessed
Benson - son Ben
Bentley - cleansing
Benton - grassy meadow
Beauregard - a beautiful perspective
Berndt - a fortified settlement
Berenger - a spear of a bear
Beret - a merchant
Bernie - as brave as a bear
Berry - blond
Bertie - bright
Burton - fortified settlement
Bertrand - bright raven
Beavis - radiant
Bill - helmet
Billy - helmet
Biersch - bush
Beef - punch
Blaine - small yellow-skinned
Blize - cheerful, happy
Bliss - joy, happiness
Blaze - sizzling
Blake - black
Blaine - slightly yellow-skinned
Blair - battlefield
Bob - famous
Bobby - famous
Baldwin - brave friend
Bollard - bald, rounded like a ball
Beaumont - beautiful Mount
Boniface - good fortune
Boris - fighter, warrior
Bradley - wide wooded area
Braden - salmon
Brian - strength
Brion - strength
Branden - hill covered with broom
Brannon - covered hill broom
Brayden - salmon
Brennan - Prince
Brent - hill
Brenton - burning city
Brett - Breton
Briard - rosehip
Brion - strength
Brice - colorful, spotted, variegated
Brisko - birch forest
Britton - from Great Britain
Brigham - house near
Broderick bridge -
Brody's dream - dirty place
Broz - immortal
Brock - badger
Bront - thunder
Brody - dirty place
Brooke - stream, Feed
Brooke - brook, stream
Brooks - from the creek
Bruno - brown
Brutus - hard
Bryant - the power of
Brady - chested
Bradford - wide ford
Braden - salmon
Brady - chested
Bram - father of many children
Brutus - multi-colored, spotted, motley
Buz - contempt
Booker - bookbinder, scribe
Bew - handsome
Bailey - sheriff's assistant
Chad - fighting
Chaz - man
Chuck - man
Chucky - man
Charlie - man
Charlton - settlement of free peasants
Charles - man
Chase - chasing, hunter, hunting
Chandler - candle merchant
Chance - chance
Cherokee - name of native Americans
Chip - man, a follower of Christ
Chunky - report keeper, secretary
Chauncey - report keeper, secretary
Dee - shortening of longer names starting with "Dee"
Deacon - serving
Digby - ditch around
Diggory settlement - lost, lost
Digory - rejecting, lost
Dison - son Dew
Dick - powerful and brave
Dicky - powerful and brave
Dicky - powerful and brave
Dil - big sea
Dylan - big sea
Dilbert - having some specific meaning
Dimer - judge
Dean - Dean, spiritual observer
Diner - man, warrior
Dirk - king of nations
Dob - of ad hoc
Dodge - a famous spear
Dolph - a noble wolf
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porlockstompf · 7 years ago
                                                            my favourite books of the year
my overall favourite book of the year:
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     david keenan “this is memorial device” [faber & faber] (2017)
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01 nick harkaway "gnomon" (2017) 02 kim stanley robinson "new york 2140" (2017) 03 m john harrison "you should come with me" (2017) 04 gardner dozois (ed) "the year's best science fiction: thirty-fourth annual collection" (2017) 05 james morrow "the asylum of dr. caligari" (2017)
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06 annalee newitz "autonomous" (2017) 07 cory doctorow "walkaway" (2017) 08 dave hutchinson "acadia" (2017)   + dave hutchinson "slow companions" (2017) 09 ed finn (ed) visions, ventures, escape velocities: a collection of space futures" (2017) 10 bryan thomas schmidt (ed) "infinite stars" (2017)
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11 allan kaster "the year's top hard science fiction stories" (2017) 12 nina allen "the rift" (2017) 13 charles stross "the delirium brief" (2017) 14 simon morden "at the speed of light" (2017) 15 ada palmer "seven surrenders" (2017) & "the will to battle" (2017)
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16 yoon ha lee "raven stratagem" (2017) 17 john joseph adams (ed) "cosmic powers" (2017) 18 mur lafferty "six wakes" (2017) 19 taiyo fujii "orbital cloud" (2017) 20 andrew bannister "creation machine" (2016)     + andrew bannister "iron gods" (2017)
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21 gareth l powell "entropic angel & other stories" (2017) 22 ann leckie "provenance" (2017) 23 monica louzon (ed) "catalysts, explorers & secret keepers: women of sf" 24 ian mconald "wolf moon" (2017) 25 neal stephenson & nicole galland "the rise & fall of d.o.d.o." (2017)
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26 adam roberts "the real-town murders" (2017) 27 tim pratt "the wrong stars" (2017) 28 jim c. hines "terminal alliance" (2017) 29 charles stross "the empire games" (2017) 30 james s.a. corey "persepolis rising" (2017)     + james s.a. corey "strange dogs" (2017)
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31 allen steele "avengers of the moon (captain future)" (2017) 32 neal asher "infinity engine [transformation III]" (2017) 33 jason m. hough "injection burn" (2017)   + jason m. hough "escape velocity" (2017) 34 donna scott (ed) "best of british science fiction 2016"/una mccormack "star of the sea" (2016) 35 david marusek "upon this rock"/john scalzi "collapsing empire" (2017)
& a couple of re-readings: richard k. morgan "takeshi kovacs trilogy" in view of the coming netflix series and colin harvey "damage time" (2010) ... no further reason needed!
01 matthew mcintosh "the mystery.doc" (2017)
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02 sébastien roger "les désordres du monde. walter benjamin à port-bou" (2017) 03 laurent binet "hhhh" (2012) 04 + laurent binet "the 7th function of language" (2017) 05 jean echenoz "special envoy" (2017)
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06 paul stanbridge "forbidden line" (2016) 07 ryu murakami "tokyo decadence (2016) 08 aifric campbell "the semantics of murder" (2008) 09 mark vernon "darker with the day" (2017) 10 magnus mills "the forensic records society" (2017)
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01 mckenzie wark "general intellects: 25 thinkers for the 21st century" (2017) 02 claude lefort "wat is politiek?" (2016) 03 ger groot & sam ijsseling "dankbaar en aandachtig" (2013) 04 martin heidegger "beiträge zur philosophie (vom ereignis)" (2003) 05 hannah arendt "totalitarisme" (2014)
06 daniel birnbaum & kim west "life on sirius: the situationist international & the exhibition of art" (2016) 07 ger groot "de geest is uit de fles" (2017) 08 sean gaston "the impossible mourning of jacques derrida" (2006) 09 bas heijne "onbehagen: nieuw licht op de beschaafde mens" (2016) 10 giorgio colli "ecrits sur nietzsche" (2017)
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11 frédéric neyrat "échapper à l'horreur" (2017) 12 slavoj zizek "against the double blackmail, refugees, terror & other troubles with the neighbours" (2017) 13 henning mankell "quicksand" (2016) 14 jacques rancière "en quel temps vivons-nous? conversations avec eric hazan" (2017) 15 alain badiou "je vous sais si nombreux... " (2017)
16 alain badou & jean-luc nancy "la tradition allemande dans la philosophie" (2017) 17 tom mccarthy "typewriters bombs jellyfish [essays]" (2017) 18 valeria luiselli "tell me how it ends: an essay in 40 questions" (2017) 19 fredric jameson "raymond chandler: the detections of totality" (2016) 20 umberto eco "chronicles of a liquid society" (2017)
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01 chris petit "pale horse riding" (2017)   + chris petit "the butchers of berlin" (2016)   + chris petit "the human pool" (2002)   + chris petit "the psalm killer" (1996)
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02 john le carré "a legacy of spies" (2017) 03 david hewson "sleep baby sleep" (2017) 04 mick herron "slow horses" (2010)   + mick herron "dead lions" (2013)   + mick herron "the list" (2015)   + mick herron "real tigers" (2016)   + mick herron "spook street" (2017) 05 jussi adler-olsen "the scarred woman" (2017)
06 jo nesbo "the thirst" (2017) 07 ben fergusson "the spring of kasper meier" (2014) 08 e.o. chirovici "the book of mirrors" (2017) 09 toni coppers "de zaak magritte" (2017) 10 james r. tuck "mama tried (crime fiction inspired by outlaw country music)" (2016)
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01 philip pullman "la belle sauvage" (2017)
01 cosey fanni tutti "art sex music" (2017) 02 david keenan "this is memorial device" (2017) 03 joanne demers "drone and apocalypse" (2015) 04 + joanne demers "listening through the noise" (2010) 05 robert barry "the music of the future" (2017)
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06 richard cabut & andrew gallix (eds) "punk is dead: modernity killed every night" (2017) 07 butt gavin, kodwo eshun, & mark fisher (eds) "post punk then and now" (2016)" 08 sandra garrido "why are we attracted to sad music" (2016) 09 tomas serrien "klank: een filsofie van de muzikale ervaring" (2017) 10 marlies de munck "waarom chopin de regen niet wilde horen" (2017)
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11 daniel warner "live wires" (2017) 12 will carruthers "playing the bass with three left hands" (2016) 13 steve hanley "the big midweek-life inside the fall (2016) 14 tex perkins "tex" (2017) 15 mark lanegan "i am the wolf" (2017)
17 simon reynolds "shock & awe" (2016) 18 andrew o'neill "a history of heavy metal" (2017) 19 bryan ray turcotte "the fucked up reader" (2007) 10 bob batchelor (ed) "literary cash" (2017) 20 simon webb "a 1970s teenager. from bell-bottoms to disco dancing" (2013)
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         both bell-bottoms and disco dancing can be had @ muntpunt !
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01 jonty tiplady "zam bonk dip" (2010) 02 murray lachlan young "how freakin' zeitgeist are you?" (2017)
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01 peter-andré bloch "sils-maria - "l'île bienheureuse" pour nietzsche" (2017)
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02 willem vanhuyse "atlas van de imaginaire verklaringen: het complete handboek vor de 'patafysicus'" (2017) 03 reinhard kleist "nick cave: mercy on me" (2017) 04 william gibson "archangel (a graphic novel)" (2017) 05 a. uderzo, didier conrad & jean-yves ferri "astérix et la transitalique" (2017)
01 thibault damour & mathieu burniat "mysteries of the quantum universe" (2017) 02 brian cox & jeff forshaw "universal: a journey through the cosmos" (2017)
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01 james acaster "james acaster's classic scrapes" (2017)
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02 chris wade “the story of derek and clive” (2017)
01 frederik bakelandt "grinta! de bergen: 10 legendarsche wielercols" (2017)
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02 lucien van impe & filip osselaer "de dag dat ik de tour verloor" (2017) 03 jonas heyerick & jelle vermeersch "bahamontes #17-#20" (2017) 04 frank strack "the hardmen: legends of the cycling gods" (2017) 05 matthias m. r. declercq "de val" (2017)
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… tsundoku !
may your home be safe from tigers, leroy, x HNY!
the TBR pile grew with...
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lászló krasznahorkai "the world goes on" (2017) samanta schweblin "fever dream" (2017)
peter mark, peter helman & penny snyder (eds) "the mountains in art history" (2017)
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alvin lucier (ed) "eight lectures on experimental music" (2017) rhian e jones & eli davies "under my thumb: songs that hate women and the women who love them" (2017)
arne dahl "watching you" (2017) philip kerr "prussian blue" (2017) antti tuomainen "the man who died" (2017) jon michelet "the frozen women" (2017) nicolás obregón "blue light yokohama" (2017)
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alex lamb "exodus" (2017) c robert cargill "sea of rust" (2017) chris brookmyre "places in the darkness" (2017) d nolan clark "forgotten worlds" & "forbidden suns" (2017) dan moren "the caledonian gambit" (2017) elizabeth moon "cold welcome" (2017) ferrett steinmetz "the uploaded" (2017) greg egan "dichronauts" (2017) ian whates "the ion raider" (2017) jaine fenn "the martian job" (2017) jamie sawyer "pariah" (2017)
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jeff noon "a man of shadows" (2017) joe m mcdermott "the fortress at the end of time" (2017) joe zieja "communication failure" (2017) john kessel "the moon and the other" (2017) john meaney "destructor function" (2017) jonathan strahan (ed) "best sf &f of the year vol 11" & "infinity wars" (2017) kameron hurley "the stars are legion" (2017) kay kenyon "at the table of wolves" (2017) malka older "null states" (2017) marina j. lostetter "noumenon" (2017)
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martha wells "all systems red" (2017) neil clark (ed) "galactic empires" & "more human than human" (2017) paul mcauley "austral" (2017) r.e. stearns "barbary station" (2017) robert kroese "last iota" (2017) sage walker "the man in a tree" (2017) stephen baxter "obelisk" (2017) + stephen baxter "the massacre of mankind" (2017) sulari gentill "crossing the lines" (2017) the justified ancients of mu mu “2023 a trilogy” (2017) wendy n. wagner "an oath of dogs" (2017)
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sallysklar · 7 years ago
Curmudgucation: Really Rethinking Standardized Test Scores
Curmudgucation: Really Rethinking Standardized Test Scores
Corey DeAngelis, fellow at Cato, turned up at Centre for Education Economics Ltd (CfEE) with an article (since reprinted at Cato's own site) that gets on the Dump Standardized Testing Train. And while I welcome "Rethinking Standardised Test Scores," it suffers from some of the same problems as other reassessments of test-centered education.
DeAngelis, it should be noted, is no friend of public education-- we last met him on this blog when he was arguing that schools should be owned by corporations-- and his background runs from Heartland Institute policy advisor to Risk Management Operations Coordinator for Kohl's. And while his reassessment of testing is welcome, he's going to miss some critical points in the discussion.
He signals one of his omissions in the very first sentence:
Standardised test scores have long been treated as the end-all-be-all of education.
Oh, passive voice, friend of the prevaricator and weasel word aficionado. Who, exactly, has treated test scores as the be-all and end-all? Because such treatment is neither universal nor mysterious and organic, without discernable cause. He does finger "researchers" and "the public at large," but does not acknowledge the many choices made by policy makers and test manufacturing lobbyists and various other powerful education amateurs to place the Big Standardized Test scores at the center of modern education.
Because-- and here's the thing-- you know who didn't want to make test scores the be-all and end-all, who argued against making them the be-all and end-all, who fought and still fight against making test scores the be-all and end-all?
Teachers. Actual professional educators.
DeAngelis is going to take us to a study published by the American Enterprise Institute in March with the title "Do Impacts on Test Scores Even Matter?" This meta-study comes from an interesting angle-- why is it that school choice hasn't caused giant leaps forward in achievement? The answer-- because choice based on the premise that people would choose the best school, but "best school" would be defined by "best test scores" and what happens if that's actually not a great measure of a good school?
The study, by Michael McShane and Patrick Wolf, is pretty plainspeaking. For twenty years "almost every major education reform has rested on a common assumption: standardized test scores are an accurate and appropriate measure of success and failure." Such scores are "convenient," "easier and cheaper" to collect and use. And there was that cool Raj Chetty research that everyone likes to cite even though there are good reasons to believe it's all bunk. McShane and Wolf don't call Chetty bunk, but they do refer to the "supposed truth" in it.
McShane and Wolf also discover that teacher impacts on test scores don't seem to correlate with much of anything, and maybe they aren't very good tools for policy when it comes to teacher pay, retention, etc. So much for the days when reformsters would bemoan how few schools were using VAM data for personnel decisions. But it's the relationship between students and test scores that really bears examining:
For research on test scores to actually be meaningful, the following should be true: The impacts that schools have on math and reading skills will change the trajectories of children’s lives. Otherwise, why would policymakers and researchers put such emphasis on “student achievement” and “student growth”—measures that are based on test scores
This assumption seems uncontroversial. 
Does it seem uncontroversial? Because it seems to me that for twenty years, one group of people has been trying to point out that test scores are NOT a good measure of student achievement, and that test scores correlate with later achievement because test scores correlate with socio-economic status, and so does life achievement. One group has said repeatedly that it is, well, not so much controversial, as just wrong.
Teachers. Actual professional educators.
The AEI report reaches a useful conclusion:
Policymakers need to be much more humble in what they believe that test scores tell them about the performance of schools of choice.
DeAngelis wants to make the additional point that character education is more important than test scores for life achievement. Hard work and respect-- that sort of thing.
He also nods to the work of Jay Greene (University of Arkansas, where DeAngelis has also done some brainwork) who has been way out in front of other reformsters in noting that test scores aren't very useful tools for changing students' futures.
It is a great thing that more and more people are catching on to the fact that the BS Test is not useful, not valid, not measuring much of anything worth knowing, and most definitely not a reliable proxy for student educational achievement.
But there are other important lessons to be learned here, and I don't see any hints that people are even close to learning them.
1) How Did We Get Here?
In all the debunking of test scores, I don't see anyone saying, "We did this."
This goes back to the days when Arne Duncan would say, "Boy, you guys are spending too much time on testing. Where'd you get the idea that testing was such a big deal, anyway?" As if he hadn't personally pushed test centric policies.
To hear reformed reformsters talk, one would assume that tests simply wandered into schools and took over without any help from policymakers, lobbyists, politicians, and rich private self-appointed school-fixers.
It's not that I want to assign blame. It's that I want these education movers and shakers to think about how they got us here so they don't keep doing it. As Daniel Koretz says about Common Core inThe Testing Charade:
It's not just the Common Core that has been dropped into schools wholesale before we gathered any evidence about impact; this has been true of almost the entire edifice of test-based reform, time and time again. I'll argue later that putting a stop to this disdain for evidence-- this arrogant assumption that we know so much that we don't have to bother evaluating our ideas before imposing them on teachers and students-- is one of the most important changes we have to make. 
Reformsters need some humility. They need to stop assuming that their ideas are so awesome that they don't need to be tested or even, in some cases, explained-- just implemented, quickly and without time for discussion (remember "our children can't afford to wait for us to change things"). And the number one thing that reformsters have aggressively refused to do...?
2) Listen To Teachers, Dammit
There isn't a thing that reformsters are figuring out today that professional educators haven't been saying for twenty years. But reformsters have remained steadfast in their belief that they have nothing to learn by listening to classroom teachers. David Coleman was just one of many reformsters who believed that his lack of teaching and education background made him more qualified than professionals who had devoted their adult lives to education.
As reformster after reformster has written a "Hey, I just figured out this policy doesn't work" piece, I've written over and over some variation of "also, water is wet" or "no shit, Sherlock" or "we've been trying to tell you this for years."
Yet this lesson-- listen to teachers-- hasn't penetrated much at all.
Those Who Don't Learn From the Past...
Just watch. So many reformsters are lined up behind some version of Personalized [sic] Learning, even though it has no basis in real research, has produced no positive results where tried, and has a chorus of teachers hollering "this is a really bad idea." But instead of saying, "Hey, you know, the last time the stars lined up like this, it didn't work out for us," reformsters are saying, "Oh, shut up. We've totally got this."
It's great that we're learning that the BS Test scores are bunk. It would be greater if folks pursued undoing these policies with the same zeal with which they pursued installing them (one more reason that accepting responsibility would be nice). But still, baby steps in the right direction.
It would also be greater if reformsters learned some of the other lessons that come with failed reform strategies. Just go sit the corner for a few minutes and think about what you've done before you head out to do something else.
elaine June 20, 2018
Curmudgucation: Really Rethinking Standardized Test Scores published first on https://buyessayscheapservice.tumblr.com/
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conorcrook3g-blog · 8 years ago
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V&A Exhibition  -  Records and Rebels
Records and Rebels gathered the feeling and proof of the explosion of youth culture that happened around the world (however mostly in England and America) from 1966-1970. Starting off by explaining some of the causes, then leading into fashion (ft. twiggy), the beatles, the politics, the vietnam war, sexual freedom including gay and lesbian freedom, music and Woodstock, all the posters and paraphernalia, interior design and communication.
The causes such as the naked model (Christine Keeler-model, Arne Jacobson-chair, Lewis Morley-photographer) on the chair and the figures of the baby boom. It’s interesting that population turned so young so fast. So many of these kids then became educated, creating the highest university figures and statistics in many years. This clearly had influence on why the youth culture of the 60’s was so extravagant and historical.
It was all very music based and the exhibition showed this. Music influenced people to create. The thousands of posters and designs were mostly for bands or because of music. The only other main factor of design and creation was the factor of politics and war. Injustices and negative governing caused people to want to spread a message of revolution, they used their words in the public eye as weapons against the overall ruling that had caused the issues. “there was a good quote similar to that in there somewhere, which I can’t place now.
LSD had a big section. It was interestingly seen as quite positive in the earlier parts of the 60’s when it was still legal. “can you pass the acid test” or something. It was said to be influential to music and musicians at the time, which was then reflected in their band images, their album artwork and therefore their fans. It also spread into the greater art realm, by causing movements in painting, interior design, concept art and photography I think. Very Austin Powers-y.
The beatles path of reaching out to other cultures, such as indian, had a great influence on fashion. Colours, fabrics, all sorts. Twiggy also had a large influence with female fashion, it became all very sleak and geometric. I dunno, I don’t know fashion.
The Political section was interesting in parts.. Showing protests in America where someone was shot. Makes you think how easy it now is to get your voice out there without severe backlash these days. These people really had to believe in what they wanted, or wanted changed. There was so much passion and determination. Politically, potentially driven by Cassius Clay, by him not wanting to go to war in Vietnam.. Something about “the draft” being white men telling black men to fight yellow men to claim back “their land” that they stole from the red men. People not wanting to fight that war, and just wanting peace caused a whole lot of voice and stirring in the youth culture in America. There was also trouble afoot in China I believe was mentioned. (the great quote: “Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would cost me millions of dollars. But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality. If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail, so what? We’ve been in jail for 400 years.” Reading through the quote retrospectively and on it’s own, rather than surrounded by masses of other information, it is such a noteworthy speech. This pride, morality and ability to stand up against the governing forces must have been rather rare and inspirational for the youth culture that was growing).
Sexuality boomed also. This could have been caused by the media and photography starting to go a bit wild and shock the establishment. With photographs such as the model naked on the chair, fashion shoots showing more skin. Shown well in the film “Blow-up” made in 1966. Sexuality also was becoming more explored perhaps because of the free loving spirit the music at the time gave, and also “potentially” the drug exploration.
The show they put on to signify Woodstock was pretty amazing. Fake grass and a make believe stage surrounding the grassy area, complete with drum kit and costumes worn by musicians. It played a film of Woodstock on 3 walls with cushions and chairs all around the room. People were lying around and really getting into the feeling of it. I particularly loved the mention of a message tree. As the festival had 400,000 attendees (un-bloody-believable), with no mobile phones and people tripping on acid not knowing what’s what, there was a tree where people would leave messages for others. Mostly trying to meet up at certain times, or ask people to contact them. But I just liked the idea that that tree formed a role that everyone readily used. The festival however must have been unbelievable and of course was a statement of the youth culture of the time. There was drugs, music, art, sexuality, fashion. It was all there, as well as a lot of nudity. Apparently.
Overall a very much enjoyable exhibition. The rooms where great and gave me a sense of jealousy that I’ll never experience a culture such as that. Today’s youth culture in my eyes is appalling and dry in comparison. We are heading to a time where people will grow up in an internet version of standardisation. Shops will readily supply new trends and accessories that everyone who’s anyone will want. More DIY or small companies which support different ideas of presenting oneself or being different (which i think is integral to an interesting society, and what has always been around) will not be able to afford to combat the tyranny and financial grip that large corporations hold on the physical and virtual market. The era of the swinging 60′s looked like such a great time for the youth in the UK, and it came about from not so great situations.
“You’re either on the bus or off the bus” Ken Kesey, quoted by Tom Wolfe in the electric kool-aid acid test (1968)
Points where it could relate to my question:
The feeling of the personified youth who want to do something, being challenged and held back by the faceless establishment who simply want money or political gains.
What drove them? What drives us?
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ashsblurbs · 4 years ago
Devil went into hiding
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*Sequel to running with the devil * 
Arne stood in front of the window of Kat’s hospital room. His heart sank looking at the woman that was so strong and could taking a beating with one hand tied behind her back. She was pale with her auburn hair floating around her; with a breathing tube and needle lines coming out both of her arms. He closed his eyes not wanting to see the person he ever loved looking so broken. He should have been her to help her. Arne wouldn’t say he should have been there to protect Kat because she never needed protecting.
“Arne!�� Arne turned around and saw his best friend, James. James looked so tired. There was a smile on his face, but his eyes looked haunted. He should have been here for all of his friends. He should have been here. He walked over and pulled James into a tight hug. He pulled away and could see better that James’s eyes were red. The man that never cried was breaking.
“Are you okay?”
“We need to leave now. I’ve called Ivan and Alex. Alex said he would sit this one out. He’s going to man stations with Theo. Freya is also coming. Don’t worry her and Kat have been training together. She’s no Kat but Freya can hold her own. We need the numbers also if you want armor your dad’s is hanging up in the east wing.” James turned starting to leave to suit up himself when Arne stopped him.
“Bro, you need to breath. What happen?” James’s eyes darken to almost black.
“No bro, do you want to know what happen? I watched the girl I loved almost die in my arms. I carried her lifeless body while her blood soaked through my uniform. She hasn’t woken and its been over twelve hours. So, don’t tell me to breath!” James turned to walk out of the room leaving Arne trying to wrap what James just said around his head. What did he mean by the girl he loved?
Natasha through open the door with fire in her eyes. Steve and Bucky dropped what they were doing and stared at her. Bucky ran over to her. She fell into his arms feeling safe once again. She closed her eyes feeling so tire. Natasha thought that the fight was finally over, and she could go home. Her kids weren’t supposed to endure the nightmares that her and her husband went through. Their lives were supposed to be different.
“So, are we getting the whole team because I did recon and there is no sign of Hydra nor our daughter. It was like they just vanished.” Bucky gave her a look telling we got this. Steve tried speaking up but was ignored by their silent communicating.
“We called Thor and Bruce. They are already suiting up ready to go. Tony is searching the area and doing scans. That I know of the boys are coming to sit with Kat and Steve is on board too. So, go get ready and meet us in an hour.” Bucky bent down and kissed her cheek. She gave him a warm smile. She loved him so much.
“Thank you, Steve.” He gave her a nod and a smile as well.
The group of twenty-somethings all stood together in the training room getting ready for the battle of a lifetime. In all honesty none of them were trained for this except for James and Arne. The rest of them were going in blind but they also weren’t dumb. Their parents were the Avengers. James brought everyone together to run down the plan of action. Little did he know is father was doing the same.
“Okay, Alex and Theo are going to stay at the compound and be our eyes inside of the base. Take out all of the security cameras and warn us of any surprises.” Theo and Alex nodded confirming they understood their orders.
“Okay, team we have done this before. This is a search and rescue mission. We are going to break into three teams. Ironman and I. Black Widow and the White wolf. Thor and the Hulk. Does anyone object with these pairings?” Each couple looked at one another not wishing not to be next to their significant other.
“Ivan, Freya you see this door located in the west wing. This is where you will go in. Kat and I found labs and other paperwork in there. Collect as much information you can without being caught. Once complete with is part meet us here.” Freya and Ivan gave each other a nervous look. Ivan had no desire to be in the field but for his sisters he would do anything. Freya had basic training, but she reminds herself that her power was her mind.
“Bucky and Nat, you will start in the east wing. From what James told me this is where they ran into Ana. Tony and I will go to the west and try to collect any data or look for hidden rooms. Thor, Bruce do surveillance outside but once we call you meet us.” Steve pointed to the very center of the map. “This is where we will all meet once we complete our missions.
“Does everyone know their task? We got this and we will succeed because we are the Avengers. So, Avengers Assemble!” James shouted.
“Avengers Assemble!” Steve and the team headed out not realizing that their own children weren’t to fair behind.
There was a throbbing pain in her head. The lights were too bright and laying down was not helping. Kat moved to the edge of the bed but then felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She screamed out in pain until a nurse ran into the room instructing her to lay back down.
“Ms. Barnes, you need to lay back down or you will pop all of your stitches.” She huffed laying back down not liking to be fussed over. She took in a deep breath trying to remember why she was in here. The last thing she could piece together was seeing Ana and then a gun fire. James pulling her into his arms. Her slowly drifting off, feeling safe enough to in his warm arms.
Kat sat up again not likely laying in this bed. She had to find James or someone so she could know what was going. What was their next move? Once again, the nurse rushed back in trying to get her to rest. Kat pushed her away. She was fine beside the shooting pain everywhere.
“You must rest. Your mom and dad gave us strict orders to keep you in bed.” Kat paused at the mention of her parents. All she wanted was to see them, especially her pops. He always made things a little better.
“Where are my parents?” The nurse fixed her IVs adjusting the medicine. She could feel them working and the pain numbing.
“They were called to a mission with Steve Rogers and the other remaining Avengers.” Kat laid back feeling groggy, she just wanted to sleep. She did have one final question to ask.
“Where… Where is… Where is James?” Before she was given the answer, the world faded away.
James and Arne walked down the hall in silence. There was friction between the two men. They both knew what it was but were they really going to let someone come in between their friendship. Kat was a friend of theirs since they were just small children. Kat wasn’t something to fight over, she was the strong girl that they had many of memories with. The late movie nights, the giggle fest, and the sleep overs where the secrets they shared stayed between them.
“Do you remember when we were eight and Kat and I stole your clothes after we went swimming. You had to run around in just a towel screaming at us.” James glared at Arne.
“I was so mad. I was in just a towel for at least an hour until your dad found me curled up in ball shaking because I was cold.” Arne laughed.
“Hey, man, you had a towel. Also, I was ground for two weeks because of it. Kat didn’t get punished at all. She just batted her eyelashes at Uncle Buck, and everything was forgiven.” They turned to look at each other and their smiles fell.  They were thinking the same thing, was Kat going to be okay. They were interrupted by a crackling of comms.
“Captain, there is two heat signatures coming close to you.”
“Roger that dark glasses.” Alex huffed at his codename. He wanted something cooler like overwatch or heat seeker.
Steve and Tony walked slowly trying to take in every possible lead as to where Hydra had gone. This was their only chance they had for years to finally bring home their niece. They couldn’t afford to fail. Their footprints echo allowing them to know they were the only ones there until they heard another pair of steps. Steve frozen taking in the change of sound. There it was again.
“Cap, what’s wrong?” Steve pulled out his shield and ready it for attack.
“Tony, someone or more importantly people are close by. I think its only two, but they aren’t fair.” They stood their place until two figures appeared. Steve put the shield back and gave the two people a perplex looked and so did the same.
“James, Arne?”
“Dad, Pops”
“What are you doing here?” They said together. Tony looked at his son and a slight tear slipped down his cheek. He walked over and pulled his son into a hug. Tony was more worried then he let on when Steve and him first talked about the situation at hand. So, having his baby in his arms was a relief. Tony took a step back and admired James. He gave him a proud smile. In that instance he looked so much like his father. From the slicked back hair to Steve’s old stealth suit. He was so proud of his son.
“Dad, are you okay?” Tony nodded ready to get back to the mission.
“James, why are yall here? Please tell me it’s not just you two after what happened early.”
“No, sir, we have Alex and Theo manning comms. Ivan and Freya are searching the east wing. Kat is still in the hospital stable and Brooklyn well doing what ever Brooklyn at this point in time. She isn’t here.” Steve let out a sigh of relief knowing that James assembled a team and didn’t go in here blind.
“Well since this is your mission. Call the shots Captain America.”
Freya looked around nervously at everything around them. Sometimes Ivan and her would find alien like weapons others it would be just blood which would lead her to almost faint. Why did she agree to this?  She was more of a book worm not a superhero?
“Hey, are you okay?” She turned to Ivan and shook her head no.
“I’m kind of freaking out. I don’t know where we are or what we are doing? Anyone could pop out at any moment and ahh.” She slammed straight into a man. He dropped his gun to catch her from falling down. She turned around and saw a familiar face. Oh, thank God, she thought.
“Uncle Buck, get me out of here.” Freya turned around and wrapped his arms around his waist. He pulled her in for an embrace and looked over at Natasha. What was going on and why was the two people not trained for a mission here.
“Ivan, why are you here? You have no combat training. You should be at home.” Nat glared at her son not liking that he was here. She already one daughter in the hospital and another missing. She didn’t think her heart could take it if another child of hers got hurt too.
“Mom, everything is fine. Alex is in my ear right now.”
“What mom and dad are there?” Ivan turned the earpiece off so not to have Alex blabbing in his ear.
“And James, Arne are on the other side. We got this. Now you are here we are golden.” Ivan started dancing around his mother making her glare at him. Which just made him laugher harder. Nat noticed what he was wearing and almost teared up, but she was Russian, and they didn’t do that.
“Is that your Uncle Clint’s suit?” Ivan stopped and pulled out the bow he found in the weapons room and strung a bow to mimic his uncle.
“Yeah, it was either this or your old suit. I might have the figure, but I couldn’t pull of the skintight cat suit if I wanted to.” Bucky laughed and came forward clapping a hand onto his shoulder.
“Just got word from Steve and they found James and Arne. They said to meet them in the center. Thor and Bruce are already there.” Panic rose into Freya’s chest. She’s going to get into so much trouble.
They all met in the center. The new avengers and the old avengers. The superheroes of the past looked in awe at their children. Neither of them thought they would live long enough to see a legacy they didn’t try for. It just happens. James was Captain America, Arne was the god, Ivan was Hawkeye, Freya was a Valkyrie, Kat was Black Widow. Thor walked of Arne. Both intensely looking at each other; then Thor smiled pulling him in for a hug. If you couldn’t tell this family was a hugger and Thor was the worst.
“Son, I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry for my behavior and to prove that every word I said was wrong I am giving you Mjölnir.”
“Are you sure I’m even worthy to carry it?”
“You were worthy since you were born. A great warrior, a great son, and even better sibling and friend. You might not want the throne but that doesn’t make you less worthy. It is my honor to pass it on.” Thor stuck out the hammer and Arne took it lifting it up with easy. He could feel lighting course through his veins. Power was finally unlocked in him.
“Steve what’s next? This place is empty.” Steve turned and looked at James. This was his mission and Steve weren’t about to take over. James mouthed are you sure. Steve nodded.
“Yes, Uncle Buck, this place is empty. This is where Kat was shot and we last Ana. Now it looks like there is no trace of them even being here. I say we go back to the compound and regroup as a team.” Also check on Kat he wanted to add.
Kat blinked her eyes open slowly. She squinted her eyes, there was a figure in front of her that she couldn’t quite figure out. She blinked again and could see a dark hair. Then the figure walked to her bending down near her. The man picked up her hand running his fingertips along her palm. Then he spoke. They were at first soft rumbles then picked up to actually conversations.
“So, we went back to base and it was empty. It was cool though my pops let me lead the whole Avengers team. Go, I’m a twenty-four-year-old man and I’m still seeking approval. Oh, you should see your parents in action. It was amazing. We were ambush on our way to the jet and the way they had sprung into action.” Kat now knew it was James. Sweet James. She closed her eyes fully and smiled as he talked about his mission. He never got excited like this and it was nice hearing the joy in his voice.
“I just knew I had to come and tell you first. Also had to make sure you were better. Heard you woke up. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you did.” There was a knock at the door and James turned around to see Arne standing in the doorway. James stood up and walked over to him leaving Kat alone in the room again. She drifted back off to sleep still feeling the faded touch of his fingers.
“Sorry, for pulling you away. Your dad said he needed you.” James stared at him not sure if he believed him, but James wasn’t going to start a fight. His friend was allowed sometime alone with a friend.
Arne waited until James was long gone before he walked into the room. He stood in the back not wanting to get to close. Arne felt uncomfortable seeing Kat laying in a bed half dead especially since he hadn’t spoken to her since she left over a year ago. He only wanted to say one thing.
“I promise to get her back.” Arne turn out of the room living her to rest. All he wanted to know was that she was okay.
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